Jesus makes it clear that we are to love our neighbor. And the Good Samaritan parable makes it clear that everyone is our neighbor, especially those we many otherwise overlook. So how do we love our neighbor through the lens of justice? And how does it relate to housing? 

Every church has the capacity to serve.

After extensive conversations with social service providers in DC that work with people experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity, Just Homes identified a clear gap in services provided by organizations in the city: relational support for low-income households transitioning into permanent housing. In partnership with these organizations, and in a quest to fill this gap, we designed the Just Homes Partner Program for community relationship-building.

Partner Program: intentionally cultivating community relationships

It is a great blessing when anyone transitions into a new home. But it can also be a time of great stress. Transplanting your life, family, and routine to a new neighborhood is a challenge for anyone, and that burden is exacerbated by any financial hardship, trauma, or other weight many low-income households carry. 

At the same time, churches are reliable, consistent support centers built precisely to provide relationships that can mitigate times of stress and situations of hardship.

Think about the last time you moved to a new place. How did you feel? Who was there to help you? What did you need in that time?

Finding affordable housing is hard enough, but that is just the beginning. Next comes moving, finding furniture and household items, and settling in. Then comes exploring the neighborhood and getting acclimated to new shops, schools, bus routes, services, and neighbors. Each new step creates more opportunity for fear, stress, isolation, and loneliness. And each new step also presents an opportunity for friendship.

How does the Partner Program work?

Just Homes has partnered with DC127, another organization started by The District Church, that serves families to help maintain and increase stability and security. When those families need housing support, they are referred to Just Homes. We pair them with volunteers to develop companionship as they address their housing-related challenges. When there is someone willing to walk alongside you as you navigate a period of stress and change, the burden may be lighter.

The Partner Program allows Just Homes to serve the community and give families in housing transition support while creating community with our neighbors. Getting to know your neighborhood, connecting with your neighbors, and making your house into an environment where your whole family can thrive are critical steps in transforming your dwelling place into a place that can really feel like yours—steps that Just Homes partners aim to help families achieve. 

Serving through a justice lens

We are wary of the dangers involved with the type of relationships described above. People and organizations with the best of intentions can hurt more than they help. That’s why this opt-in model focuses on relationship, not tasks. We aren’t trying to accomplish particular benchmarks or breakthroughs. Rather, our ultimate aim is ensuring no one feels alone.

Just Homes cares for all parties involved—families and their family partners—by training the volunteers in areas of cultural humility, providing resources for social services, and conducting monthly check-ins to ensure all parties are supported. Through training and frank conversations, Just Homes seeks to actively work against the paternalism that can too easily be part of these relationships. Our family partners are here to support the family, create relationships, and act as a positive support system.

How do I get involved?

Come to an informational session to learn more about the program and consider encouraging those in your congregation or neighborhood to join too. You can find information about upcoming meetings by clicking the button below.