Join Just Homes and community partners for an open and honest panel conversation about gentrification, displacement, and community-building.
Together we will explore the topic of gentrification from a personal angle, seeking to understand how long-time Washington residents have experienced neighborhood change and displacement. What do these stories mean for our efforts to think, act, and love like Jesus? How can all DC residents fight against displacement?
During this conversation, we will hear from native Washingtonians and advocates working against displacement and in pursuit of equitable community development. We will cultivate principles for conscious neighboring and discern how we can all live as justice-minded residents of our communities.
This workshop is part of a series of workshops in the Housing Justice Discipleship Program, a program designed to build the capacity of Christians in the DC area to pursue and embody justice, specifically housing justice. You do not need to be part of the program to participate in the workshop. To learn more about the Housing Justice Discipleship Program, click here.