Imagine a just city where everyone has a home.

DC can be that city. And churches can get us there.


Just Homes mobilizes and equips DC faith communities to live out their calling to biblical justice by meeting the housing needs of the District. We long to see a just city where everyone has a home and believe faith communities can and should play a critical role in actualizing this vision. Working together, houses of worship can significantly expand access to housing that is not only affordable, but just.

We invite faith communities to ask themselves: what role can we play in building a just city where everyone has a home?

They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit. No longer will they build houses and others live in them, or plant and others eat.
— Isaiah 65:21-22 (NIV)


Churches in DC own enough vacant land to house nearly all the extremely-low income households without adequate housing in the city. Learn how your church can contribute.



Financing is a major barrier to affordable housing development, but individuals and churches can steward their finances in ways that support the building of justice housing.



Low-income households face numerous challenges while transitioning out of homelessness into stable, affordable homes. The church is well positioned to support during this transition.

Connect with us.

Do you feel called to respond to the housing crisis?

Does your church have resources that can be transformed into solutions for justice housing?

Do you want to see your church directly meet justice housing needs in your community?

Let’s talk.

Are you interested in learning more about the housing crisis in DC and how churches can pursue housing justice?